Audley Music - dedicated to promotion and exposure of unsigned bands and artists. New music is heard, reviewed, sold direct online, and discussed in fair forum. Advice on how to self-publish, produce, and market is available to all.

Friday, September 30, 2005

Fotomoto and Peakz Update

Hello, hello, hello… here’s our latest news from the bandz

Fotomoto date for the Spitz given as 5th December is now the 8th December – that’s the day after recording for BBC Radio 1’s OneMusic.

Details of the tour still a little sketchy – we’re hoping to film the recordings and performances with a view to making a music/interview dvd. It would be a big help if folks could give feedback on that.

Peakz album may well get an airing on OneMusic toward the end of October – keep yer ears Peeled.

Gotta go – the Friday night curry’s waiting.

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Peakz make it to CD!

Hi – it’s been some time, but busy, busy, busy! Three days in London last week at Olympia making an exhibition of myself!
The big news is that the long-anticipated alum by PEAKZ is now available from
Be sure to visit the site to read the biog and details of the album.
Gotta go-  off to Glasgow today to sit in a lonely hotel room and listen to Huw Stevens on OneMusic at the dead of night – there are worse fates, I suppose.