A double dose of Annie Lennox

Annie gave a double shot of heaven to her fans this Saturday and Sunday.
On Saturday night she performed a couple of numbers segued into each other on the legendary Michael Parkinson show. This is one of Parky's last shows and he is winding down to retirement so staged a musical highlights show.
Annie does not give many interviews so she didn't join him on his famous couch afterwards. Shame.
On Sunday Annie was the subject of an hour-long South Bank show interviewed by Melvin Bragg but intercut about 60%/40% in favour of live performances from the SING show and studio recordings.
The music was fantastic.
Annie gave some insight into her early life in Aberdeen, coming to the Roal Acadamey, meeting Dave Stewart and forming the Eurythmics over 25 years ago.
She also showed us what drives her to produce albums such as her latest masterpiece Songs of Mass Destruction and the work she is doing with the SING project.
Unmissable stuff, shame if you did miss it.
Take a look at the album here
Labels: aniie lennox, chat show, michael parkinson, songs of mass destruction, tv